Cold Laser Therapy for Your Hands

Reduce Pain and Swelling

Eliminate Arthritic-like Symptoms

Restore Grip-Strength

Today, Your Hands are Subject to Repetitive Stress Injuries More Than Ever

Tablets, computers, and phones are proven to make your life more efficient. These electronic devices can lead to an overuse of your hands, making them more vulnerable to repetitive stress injuries (RSI’s).

Over time, and without giving much thought, your hands lose grip-strength, swell, and begin feeling arthritic, adding to your body’s overall stresses.

Cold Laser Therapy, a pain-free treatment that offers immediate and long-lasting relief

  • Non-toxic, non-invasive, pain-free, with virtually no side effects

  • Reduces pain and swelling
  • Increases cellular metabolism by increasing mitochondrial activity

  • Stimulates collagen and muscle tissue growth

  • Reduces fibrous/scar tissue formation
  • Stimulates nerve function, bringing numb areas back to life
  • Increases lymphatic response for better lymph flow
  • Increases tissue and bone repair

  • Increases microcirculation by inducing temporary vasodilation

The Bioflex DUO+180 Cold Laser

The Bioflex DUO+180 is comfortably used to address the many painful trigger points you have developed through many years of overuse.

The 660 nm, 830 nm & 840 nm wavelengths allow for optimal absorption by Cytochrome C Oxidase, increases ATP  production, and offers superior clinical results.

The Bioflex penetrates the body’s tissues to reduce the tension of the targeted muscles, loosen restricted scar tissue, and restore blood-flow to ischemic areas.

Bioflex Duo Array Cold Laser

Clinical Effects of Cold Laser Therapy

Clinical Effects of Cold Laser

Comparison of Therapeutic Modalities

Cold Laser Comparisons

Are You Ready to Begin Cold Laser Therapy to Restore Your Hands?